
7 Major Impacts of Excessive Screen Time on Children's Health and Development

In today's digital era, screen time has become an integral part of children's lives. The dramatic rise in the use of electronic devices over recent decades has woven digital technology into everyday activities. This surge in screen usage has sparked concerns among parents and healthcare professionals about its potential effects on children's health and development. Here are the seven major impacts of excessive screen time on children's health and development:

1. Physical Health Issues: Spending long hours in front of screens often leads to a sedentary lifestyle, increasing the risk of obesity. Additionally, lack of physical activity can negatively affect posture and cause vision problems like eye strain and nearsightedness.

2. Sleep Disruptions: Excessive screen use, especially before bedtime, can interfere with children's sleep patterns. The blue light emitted by screens hampers melatonin production, making it harder for children to fall asleep and stay asleep, ultimately affecting their overall health and development.

3. Decreased Emotional Regulation: High levels of screen time are linked to difficulties in managing emotions. This can result in increased irritability, trouble calming down, and a higher risk of anxiety or depression. Children who use screens to soothe themselves may not develop healthy ways to handle their emotions.

4. Attention Deficit Symptoms: Excessive screen time can hinder cognitive development, leading to symptoms associated with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) such as difficulty concentrating, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. The fast-paced and stimulating nature of digital content can make it challenging for children to focus on slower-paced activities, impacting their ability to pay attention and complete tasks. Additionally, studies show that high screen use is linked to poor sleep quality and reduced executive functioning, further exacerbating attention-related issues.

5. Reduced Parent-Child Interaction: Excessive screen time can limit meaningful interactions between parents and children. This decrease in face-to-face communication can weaken the development of secure attachments and reduce the quality of parent-child relationships, which are essential for social and emotional growth.

6. Lower Social-Emotional Understanding: Overuse of screens can negatively impact children's social skills. With less time spent engaging directly with family and peers, children may have difficulty interpreting and responding to social cues, leading to lower social-emotional understanding and competence.

7. Decreased Cognitive Development: High levels of screen exposure can hinder cognitive development, particularly in areas like attention, memory, and executive functioning. Studies indicate that children with excessive screen use often show lower academic performance and struggle with tasks requiring sustained mental effort and problem-solving skills.

Mindful Screen Time

Despite the negative impacts, screen time can be utilized positively through mindful practices. Incorporating pro-social media and developing a family media action plan are effective strategies.

Pro-Social Media: Educational programs that are well-designed and age-appropriate can enhance children's emotional and cognitive development. These programs help children understand concepts like friendship, feelings, empathy, and respect while also aiding in acquiring academic skills like reading and identifying colors.

Family Media Action Plan: Creating a media action plan involves setting limits on screen time and intentionally selecting high-quality media content. Guidelines from health professionals can provide recommendations on appropriate screen time for different age groups. Implementing a media action plan can protect and reinforce family time, promote social interactions, and mitigate the negative effects of excessive screen use.

By adopting these mindful strategies, parents can ensure that screen time has a positive impact on their children's development, fostering better emotional regulation, cognitive skills, and social understanding.


Webb, Angela (2023) "Childhood Screen Time and Child Development," Family Perspectives: Vol. 5: Iss. 1, Article 7.
Available at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/familyperspectives/vol5/iss1/7